How To Take Care Of Newly Planted Trees

After you plant new trees in your yard, the next few months to next few years will be crucial to their growth. New trees need proper soil to grow in, a lack of competition from other nearby plants, and protection from pests and diseases. Here are three ways you can help your new trees thrive.

Take Care of Your Soil

The soil surrounding your tree needs attention just like your trees themselves do. If your soil isn't in good shape, new plants might not be able to grow there, or their ability to do so will be potentially severely diminished. There are a few important things to keep in mind when checking and preparing your soil.

First, your soil shouldn't be too soft or too hard. Soil that's too hard can inhibit root growth, and soil that's too soft won't give trees the stability they need, which can result in leaning or tipping over. Both of these situations can be corrected, and should be done as soon as possible.

Second, your soil should be analyzed to check its alkalinity and acidity. If either of these are too high, your tree may have a hard time growing. A professional can do this test for you, or you can purchase soil test kits from a local hardware store. If levels are too high, a professional can also recommend soil treatments for you.

Third, your soil should be graded so that water runs off rather than sits and soaks. Standing water can soften soil, which makes your trees more susceptible to falling.

Keep Your Foundation Strong

As they grow, trees develop deep and powerful root systems that can keep them sturdy through even very harsh weather conditions. If your trees haven't had much time to grow, or if they're still potentially recovering from transplant shock, their ability to hold firm will be lessened, and they'll need some help staying put. The most common way to help a tree stay upright as it grows its root system is staking. If an arborist or tree service professional thinks your trees need to be staked, this can be easily done, but take care to follow the proper method for staking to avoid hurting your trees.

A potential problem could come from nearby growing plants, such as grass. Any competing root systems will steal valuable nutrients away from your trees and cause them to grow more slowly and even cause them to be less sturdy. While grass can look beautiful under trees, newly planted trees aren't established enough to deal with the competition. Make sure the area around your trees is clear of any additional growth. 

Monitor for Pests and Disease

All trees are susceptible to harmful pests and diseases, but older and more established trees can fight them off for longer. Newly planted trees, on the other hand, may be weakened by transplant shock and not having grown stable root structures. Damage to smaller trees may also have more of an impact, as it can spread faster.

After you plant your trees, monitor them regularly for any signs of disease or pests. Signs of disease and infestation may include dead branches, curling or spotting leaves, cracked bark, and other symptoms. Not all trees will be hit by the same diseases, so keep track of what species of tree you have on your property and what diseases are most likely to affect them. Alternatively, or in addition to this, ask a tree service professional to inspect your trees for you. They can spot warning signs early on and recommend treatments, and can even offer preventative care for diseases or pests that may be in the area.

If you want to get a head start on treatments that don't involve insecticides, you can release beneficial insects that prey on common pests. These can keep pests to a minimum and prevent them from getting a foothold. In many cases you can buy these insects at a local nursery; if not, they can still give you recommendations on what insects are best to release, when you should do this, and where you can find them.

These are important points to keep in mind when looking for trees to add to your property. If you have more questions, it is important to go to an arborist or tree service in your area, like, to get professional advice.

About Me

Trimming, Treating and Everything In Between

Have you ever marveled at just how enormous mature trees are? What's even more wondrous is the fact that they manage to keep growing and surviving with little interference from the humans who live around them. You don't need to water or fertilize your tree every day like you would a tomato plant. But that's not to say trees do not benefit from some care. Trimming, annual fertilizing, and the occasional deep watering can go a long way towards improving your trees' health. You can learn more about these and other tree services on this website, which we created for tree huggers, tree lovers, and average homeowners alike.



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