A network of nutrient, water, and energy transport tubes lies just beneath the outer layer of bark on your tree's trunk. Girdling is a type of damage that prevents these
- If you're on a tight budget or can't find a tree trimmer in your area, you might be tempted to go ahead and trim your trees on your own. This is not necessarily a bad ide
- Spraying is a treatment usually reserved for fruit trees. Fungicide and pesticide components in the spray keep disease and bugs from ravaging the fruit crop. You can, how
- Do you have a tree on your property you are considering removing? For most people, this is not a do-it-yourself job. Specials tools and skills are needed to ensure the tr
- If you're like most homeowners, you place great value on the trees in your yard. They provide beauty, protection from wind, and cooling shade on a hot summer day. Mature